Installing MiKTeX

The LaTeX system consists of a basic core and countless extension packages that users have created over the system’s long history. MiKTeX is one of the most popular Windows distributions of LaTeX. The TeX Live system is also common, but I haven’t tried installing it. MiKTeX installation is very simple, but you need to remember to set the right options.

Brief Installation and Setup Instructions

MiKTeX is Installed. Where to Start?

Essentially, LaTeX is a programming language. For those familiar with HTML, for example, learning LaTeX shouldn’t be problematic, but you need to be prepared that without preliminary reading of examples and manuals, you won’t be able to typeset even simple text. Initial familiarization will take from 15 minutes to two-three hours. When you need specific knowledge, you can turn to friends and colleagues: chances are, among them there will be at least one TeX expert.